Contents of Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law
Japanese |English
■  Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law 15
General Remarks on the New Japanese Rules on International Judicial Jurisdiction ……Y. NAKANISHI
The New Rules on International Jurisdiction: Focusing on Rules relating to Foreign Corporations and Contractual Obligations ……T. MORISHITA
Where are we now?: Some current issues of the Hague Child Abduction Convention ……J. YOKOYAMA
Responsibility of the Government in the Implementation of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
― Function of the Central Authority
The Dynamic Structure of International Regulations of the Global Market Economy and Its Implication to the "Party Autonomy" Discourse ― A Public Law Perspective ……T. FUJITANI
Private Autonomy in Dispute Settlement ……D. YOKOMIZO
Party Autonomy through International Private Law
―from Cross-Border Prospective, including Arbitration Practice.
'Proper Law of a Tort' and Victory over 'Acquired Rights' Theory in England ……Y. TANEMURA
The Law Applicable to Contract Concluded within "Multilateral System" for Financial Instruments Trading in EU Law
― A Comparative Study of Rome I Regulation and MiFlD
A Contemporary Perspective on the Choice-of-Law Rules for Trusts in Japan …… R. YATSUNAMI
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