Background of the Private International Law Association of Japan
Japanese |English
@General Background of the Association

The Private International Law Association was formed as an academic organization on November 4, 1949 for the purpose of "enhancement of the study of private international law and promotion of cooperation with similar academic bodies overseas, as well as coordination among researchers of private international law" (Association Charter, art. 3). Thus, the Association consists of regular members who "are engaged in the study of private international law or its related subjects" (Charter, art. 5(1)). Moreover though, the Association is not limited to persons associated with educational research organizations such as universities and in fact includes many persons from the legal world such as practicing attorneys.

@General Activities and Administrative Structure of the Association

The Association's executive decision-making organization is the Board of Councilors. The Board consists of eighteen (18) members-the President and seventeen (17) Councilors-who execute the Association's work. The Association's audit is done by two Auditors selected from the Association's General Members. Further, an Internet Management Committee is assigned to administer this web site.

  President  Hayakawa,  Shin'ichiro
  Councilors   Aoki,  Kiyoshi ; Oda, Yukiko ; Kanzaki, Tadashi ; Kitazawa Aki
  Kunitomo, Akihiko ; Kono, Toshiyuki ; Shima, Takuya ; Takasugi, Naoshi
  Tada, Nozomi ; Deguchi, Koji ; Dogauchi, Masato ; Nagata, Mari
  Nakanishi Yasushi ; Narazaki, Midori ; Nishitani, Yuko
  Hayakawa, Shin'ichiro ; Hayashi, Takami ; Yokomizo, Dai
  Auditors   Sano, Hiroshi ;Nakano, Shun'ichiro
  Procurator of the President in case of his/her accident   Yokomizo, Dai
  Secretary   Tanemura, Yusuke
Address   Office  Private International Law Association of Japan
 Waseda University School of Law
 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050, JAPAN
 Fiscal matters,
 including membership fees
 Private International Law Association of Japan
  Doshisha University Faculty of Law
  Karasuma-higashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku,
  Kyoto-shi 602-8580, JAPAN
  Establishment   November 4, 1949
  Members (as of June 2021)   Regular Member (247); Supporting Member (1)
  Conferences   Once a year (in Spring)


The Association's executive decision

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