c Membership and Contact Information for PILAJ
Membership and Contact Information for PILAJ
Japanese |English
@Becoming a Member

@If you wish to become a member of the Association, please read the Association's charter and complete the application form below. In addition to the information requested in the form, a recommendation from a current member is required.

@Official membership requires a resolution of the Board of Councilors and approval of the General Assembly. Once you have completed the application form and applied for membership, you will be contacted by the Office for a decision and to pay the application fee after the resolution of the Board of Councilors. The Board meets once a year in May. Therefore, it is best to submit membership applications so that they arrive at the Association before the end of April.

Membership Dues
After 1 April 2025, the membership fee will be as follows:
(1) Regular member: 8,000 yen (9,000 yen if the member is a foreign resident)
(2) Supporting member: 13,000 yen
If you are a student, the membership fee is discounted to 5,000 yen. Please contact the Association for Supporting Academic Societies < pilaj@asas-mail.jp > within two weeks of applying for new membership, quoting the membership number you received on registration and enclosing proof of student status.

Membership procedure

Please click on the "Membership Application Form" below and complete the form to register your membership. After resolution by the Board of Councilors, we will send you a form for the transfer of the application fee (or, if you are a foreign resident, instructions for payment by credit card).

  (Contact details for admission and payment of membership fees)
  Association for Supporting Academic Societies
  5-3-13, Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0012, Japan
@Contact Information

Address   Office    Private International Law Association of Japan
   Waseda University School of Law
   1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050, JAPAN
 Fiscal matters     Private International Law Association of Japan
   Doshisha University Faculty of Law
   Karasuma-higashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku,
   Kyoto-shi 602-8580, JAPAN

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