Conference of the Private International Law Association of Japan
Japanese |English
@ 132nd Conference of the Private International Law Association of Japan (2019)
Time: Saturday, June 15, and Sunday, June 16, 2019
Place: WINC AICHI #1001 , at Aichi Prefectural Industrial Labor Center 10 F.,
  4-4-38 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya City, 450-0002
132nd Conference of the Private International Law Association of Japan (2019)
Saturday, June 15
09:30 - 10:00 Registration
Morning Session  10:00 - 12:10
Chair : N. TADA, Seinan Gakuin University
(1) International Insolvency-related Issues
B. CHUNG, Attorney at law at Kim & Chang, Emeritus president of KOPILA
(2) Choice of Law Rules on Consumer Contract's in Terms of Protection and/or Use of Personal Information
G. LEE, Professor at Chung-Ang University School of Law
Afternoon Session  14:00 - 17:20
      Symposium : International Jurisdiction in a Global Era
Chair : K. TAKAHASHI, Doshisha University
(3)In Search of the Adoption of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreement in the Republic of Korea
J. JANG, Professor at Sungkyunkwan University School of Law
(4)International Jurisdiction Rules under the Revised Korean Private International Law
T. RHO, Presiding judge of the Seoul High Court
(5)Hague Judgment Project for the Perspective of the Republic of Korea
J. JANG, Judge of Seoul Central District Court,
             Research Fellow at the Judicial Policy Research Institute
Sunday, June 16
09:15 - 9:30 Registration
Morning Session  9:30 - 11:40
Chair : D.  YOKOMIZO, Nagoya University
(6)Parallel Proceedings in Investment Dispute Settlement
T.  INOSE, Kitasato University
(7)The Cross-border River Pollution in Europe and the Applicable Law on Environmental Damage \ focused on the Sonderanknupfung and the Datum-theory in applying Art.17 Rome II Regulation |
M.  NARAZAKI, Chuo University
Afternoon Session  13:00 - 16:30
      Symposium  :  Current Issues on Cross-Border Child Protection
                                     - Implementing the Child Abduction Convention -

Chair : S.  NAKANO, Kobe University
Coordinator : Y.  NISHITANI, Kyoto University
(8)Five-Year Experience of the Child Abduction Convention in Japan
M.  NAGATA, Osaka University
(9)Issues and Challenges of Cross-Border Relocation
T.  HAYASHI, Doshisha University
(10)International Jurisdiction on the Merits of Custody Rights and the Child Abduction Convention
H.  SANO, Okayama University
(11)Reflections on the Child Protection Convention, Child Support Convention and Maintenance Protocol
Y.  NISHITANI, Kyoto University
(12)Issues of the Child Abduction Convention from a Practical Perspective
A.  KURODA, Attorney at law
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